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A member registered Apr 08, 2017

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How did you get the 4th door code?

How did you get that number and the first number is adding up the letters wit a=1 etc and don't include repeats the second is the 30 letters time the 26 letters in th alphabet

Did anyone take their time to check every box?

Yea whats wierd is thers is no zero yet thats a option

Hey I Found something and sense you also seem to be trying this and made some progress I wanted to share something I found. In this game the number/780 is made after 30 letters are said. The last 780 is 30*26 because of 30 letters with 26 in the alphabet. The first number is weird you have to assign a number value. A=1 B=2 etc but dont include repeats and that equals the first number. Hopefully this helps you make progress if you find anything it would be awesome if you could share

How did you find that